10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Report: electric and gas utilities should join forces on efficiency
Gas and electric utilities should run joint efficiency programs, according to a new study from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. So should dual-fuel utilities and third-party efficiency program administrators. ACEEE makes a strong case in its report. ...
Rachel Kane,Kelsey Ranta
10 years ago | 10 IMPRESSIONS
Like a fine wine: a new study shows how energy efficiency results can get better and better over time
Saving 5 terawatt-hours worldwide isn’t the only major “5” we’re celebrating these days. ...
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
C3 Viewpoint
Every second of every minute of every day at C3 Energy is exciting. ...
Justin Spradlin
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
This neat data algorithm unlocks the power of smart grid technology—without using smart meters
Smart meters continue to transform the global utility landscape, offering cutting-edge features for energy providers and consumers alike — from outage detection to real-time consumption feedback. ...
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Oracle Fusion Middleware
This week we discussed the topic of customer experience and how BPM, Social and Mobile technologies play a critical role in delivering the effective customer experience. This was covered in our screencast “Customer Experience On Your Mind? Think BPM + Social + Mobile”. ...
10 years ago | 10 IMPRESSIONS
18 things utilities need to know about Accenture’s new report on energy consumers
In case you missed it, researchers at Accenture just published their huge annual study on energy consumers. ...
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Welcome to the American Energy Data Challenge
A four-part, year-long Challenge to invite public input and innovation around public data resources offered by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Green Button Initiative. Click on FOLLOW THE CONTEST to become part of this community and receive updates on Open Data by Design Contest ...
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
The Big Data Open Source Tools landscape is growing rapidly.
There are already so many open source tools related to Big Data. Check out the below figure to find out about the most important open source tools for big data. In the near future we will describe each open source tool in more detail. ...
Hutch Carpenter
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
The gamification framework for business innovation
Analyst Brian Burke recently reformulated Gartner's definition of gamification. His objective was to sharpen the firm's focus for gamification, with "digital" and "motivation" as key elements. ...
Davide Savenije
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Is Google becoming an energy company?
Google's $3.2 billion acquisition of smart home startup Nest was the search-engine giant's most visible foray into the energy space, but it was far from the first. ...
Al Bredenberg
10 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Green Gamification: Could the Green Button Be the Killer App for Consumer Energy?
In two recent news releases, the U.S. White House announced that 15 major electrical utilities will be supporting the federal government’s “Green Button” initiative. The 15 utilities together will make energy usage data available by download for an estimated 27 million U.S. households. ...
Oliver Parson
11 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Public Data Sets for NIALM
It is essential to use real-world data when comparing the performance of NIALM techniques. However, such data sets are time consuming, costly, and often inconvenient to collect. ...
11 years ago | 10 IMPRESSIONS
Proof of Concept for Hadoop: storage and analytics of electrical time-series
Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Proof of Concept for Hadoop: storage and analytics of electrical time-series 1. ...
From Wikipedia, the free
11 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
The Gaslight Cafe
The Gaslight Cafe was a coffeehouse in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York. Also known as The Village Gaslight, it opened in 1958 and became notable as a venue for folk music and other musical acts.[1][2] It closed in 1971. ...
Jeff St. John
11 years ago | 9 IMPRESSIONS
Tendril Raises $25M for Utility-Home Energy Software
Is Tendril ready to take its utility-to-home energy software to commercial scale? On Friday, the startup closed a $25 million round to boost its home energy report software, perhaps as a precursor to fulfilling CEO Adrian Tuck’s promise last year of taking at least a few of the dozens of utilitie ...