Gabrielle Dreyfus
9 years ago | 14 IMPRESSIONS
Rise and Shine: Lighting the World with 10 Billion LED Bulbs
Stand next to a traditional incandescent bulb and a light-emitting diode (LED) bulb, and you will feel the difference as much as see it. Both produce the same amount of light, yet the incandescent bulb is too hot to touch. All that excess heat is wasted energy. ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
New editions of Codes of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation and Building Energy Audit gazetted
Hong Kong (HKSAR) - The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (December 11) gazetted the 2015 editions of the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation and Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit in pursuance of section 40 of the Buildings En ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
Energy efficiency in EU buildings: share your feedback!
The EU is seeking your opinion on its rules for energy efficiency in buildings – and there are just a few days left to send in your views. What do you think of the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive? Be sure to submit by 31 October 2015. ...
9 years ago | 10 IMPRESSIONS
Energy Impact Illinois
Energy Impact Illinois makes it simple to lower your bills and improve the comfort and value of your home. ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
"#FAQfriday What is a SEDBUK rating? Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers UK, provides a way of comparing the energy efficiency of boilers"
#FAQfriday What is a SEDBUK rating? Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers UK, provides a way of comparing the energy efficiency of boilers ...
Guest Contributor
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
How To Really Improve Home Energy Efficiency & Comfort
Originally published on LinkedIn. By Cameron Taylor, CM On the eve of Thanksgiving this year, I was grateful I had the good fortune of meeting Nate Adams of Energy Smart Home Performance on his home turf in Cleveland, Ohio. ...
Robert Walton
9 years ago | 10 IMPRESSIONS
How smart meters are changing energy efficiency in California
Two years ago, the U.S. reached a quiet tipping point in the modernization of its power grid: The number of electric meters with two-way communications surpassed the number of older models on the grid. ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
System Integration for Energy Efficiency
System Integration for Energy EfficiencyComprehensive building automation system (BAS) and energy management solutions help reduce energy, operational, and maintenance costs by up to 60% while optimizing occupant comfort and property value. ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
Behavioral Demand Response at Consumers Energy
Behavioral and analytical demand-side management (DSM) are relatively new methods for discovering and promoting energy savings that have the potential to reduce costs for energy consumers beyond what traditional DSM programs have achieved. ...
Guest Contributors
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
7 Crucial Steps to Transform the Residential Lighting Market
The term Market Transformation gets tossed around a fair amount in the energy efficiency sphere, but what does it actually mean? And how can it be fully achieved? Our friends over at NEEA, a fellow REEO and respected authority on the subject, devised a definition for the term with equal parts eleg ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
#COP21Solutions: Chill a Drink in 45 Seconds With 80% More Efficient Technology
As world leaders meet in Paris to negotiate a new international climate agreement, we will highlight each day an innovative EU-funded project that helps us understand, adapt to or slow down climate change. Today's project is: V-TEX Multi funded through Horizon 2020. ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
5 TED Talks to watch on energy efficiency with the COP21 coming up
One of the largest climate change conferences ever organized is just around the corner. The 21st Conference of the Parties or the COP21, represents the last opportunity for a globally binding agreement to be made that can limit warming below 2º Celsius. ...
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
Ogi Kavazovic, Opower
For more analysis, insight and opinion on the latest trends impacting the global energy industry, visit Webinars: Articles: Presentations: ...
David Turk
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
Announcing "Mission Innovation"
Editor's note: This article was originally posted on ...
Emma Neri
9 years ago | 11 IMPRESSIONS
Italy: the energy efficiency way of the washing-machine shaped dwellings in Genoa
San Pietro is a peripheral neighbourhood overlooking the city of Genoa, North-West of Italy. It is also known as Lavatrici (washing machines), because of the concrete slabs with empty circles that characterise the façades of its buildings. ...